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STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math)

STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math)

What is STEM?

  • As defined by MiSTEM 
    • Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics delivered in an integrated fashion using cross-disciplinary learning experiences that include language arts, performing and fine arts and career and technical education (108 Section 99s (12)(c)(Additional Appendix B)

STEM in Michigan

  • Michigan STEM Partnership
    • The Michigan STEM Partnership promotes the impact of STEM careers on economic development across the State of Michigan, and strives to influence the career decisions of students as they prepare for their future.

  • MiSTEM Network
    • STEM Workforce - Michigan is a world leader in innovation, talent, and technology
      • Four pillars of the MiSTEM Network
        • Pillar 1: Create a STEM culture
        • Pillar 2: Empower STEM teachers
        • Pillar 3: Integrate business and education
        • Pillar 4: Ensure high-quality STEM experiences

REMC 7 STEM/Maker & Technology Resources Lending Library

For assistance in effectively integrating STEM or to explore STEM materials available for loan through REMC 7 please contact Anne Thorp

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Anne Thorp

Instructional Technologist
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Deb McAlpine
