About Us - Sheldon Pines School - Schools - OAISD Home

About Us

Sheldon Pines School is designed to provide the Special Education programs and related services needed to appropriately serve severely emotionally impaired students.

We implement an organized school-wide program that emphasizes immediate positive reinforcement, personal responsibility, appropriate decision making skills, and the development of socially acceptable behavior.

Sheldon Pines offers an opportunity for a successful classroom experience, both behaviorally and academically. On a weekly basis, students discuss their progress in the school. They continually are taught to take responsibility for their behavior and evaluate their current personal goals.

It is the ultimate goal of the Sheldon Pines staff to help each student re-learn the behavior and skills necessary to re-enter the public school or other appropriate placement.

2024-2025 School Calendar

Sheldon Pines School Calendar (new window)

2023-2024 School Year Forms

PDF DocumentMedication Consent Form (new window)

The Personal Curriculum (PC) is a Michigan Department of Education (MDE) endorsed process, permitting modification of specific credit requirements and/or content expectations based on the individual learning needs of a student. It is designed to serve students who want to accelerate or go beyond the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) requirements and students who need to individualize learning requirements to meet the MMC requirements. For more information from MDE about personal curriculums, please click here.