Parent Information - Homeless Education - Instructional Services - Teaching & Learning - Programs & Services - OAISD Home

Parent Information

The law says that a child or youth without a fixed, regular and adequate residence is homeless. It does not matter how long the child or youth has been without a home. It also does not matter if the child or youth is living with a parent or is separated from parents. Under the Act, students are homeless if they are:

  • Living with a friend, relative or someone else because they lost their home or can't afford a home
  • Staying in a hotel or motel
  • Living in an emergency or transitional shelter or a domestic violence shelter
  • Staying in substandard housing
  • Living in a car, park, public place, abandoned building or bus or train station
  • Living in a campground or an inadequate trailer home
  • Abandoned in a hospital; or living in a runaway or homeless youth shelter


PDF Document2019 McKinney-Vento Parent Toolkit (new window)

PDF DocumentDouble Up Food Bucks Flyer - English and Spanish Version  (new window)

External LinkLocal Community Resources in Ottawa and Allegan Counties (new window)

External LinkParent Resources from the National Center for Homeless Education (new window)

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Partner Shelters

External LinkThe Bridge (new window) - Youth Shelter in Grand Rapids

External LinkResilience (new window) - Women and Children's Shelter

External LinkGateway Mission Holland (new window) - Family Shelter