MI School Data
Do I need an account?
Most people do not need an account and can access a wide array of data on schools without having to login to the system. Some school district personnel such as principals, curriculum directors, special education directors, data analysis staff and superintendents, would need an account to access additional confidential data that is available and/or required to retrieve on behalf of a school or the whole district.
How do I get an account if I need one?
Step 1 - Create a MILogin Account.
All users must have a MILogin Single Sign-On account. This is the same as many other state systems use. Please visit the MI Login Page and either register as a new user or verify that you can login with your account and that you have access to MI School Data.
MILogin for Third Party (new window)
Once the account is created, logout and log back in and the link to MI School Data should show up. Once that shows up, click on the link to login and it should tell you that you do not have any roles setup. Then you can move on to Step 2.
If you do need assistance with your MILogin Third Party account, please contact Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI).
MILogin for Third Party Help Page (new window)
NOTE: Ottawa Area ISD does not control the usernames or passwords. Once the account is created in MILogin and your account shows up in MI School Data, Ottawa Area ISD only assigns and modifies district, school and role assignments. You must contact the state verify your account, reset your password or anything other issues with you MILogin account.
Step 2 - Review FERPA/HIPAA information and submit a form for account review.
To request access to the MI School Data system and be assigned a proper role, please complete the MI School Data FERPA/HIPAA Quiz and Access Form. Once it is reviewed and approved, your account will be verified and proper district, school and role(s) will be assigned.
MI School Data FERPA/HIPAA Quiz and Access Form