Teacher Professional Development - SCECHs Online
Thompson M-TEC partnered with ed2go to offer a convenient online way to earn hours toward your Michigan K-12 Certificate renewal. Each course is six weeks in length, consisting of two lessons per week, followed by a final exam. Satisfactory completion of all requirements will earn you 24 SCECHs. See our list of available online classes at
Teacher Professional Development - Traditional Classroom Setting
Thompson M-TEC now offers SCECHs as traditional hands-on training at Careerline Tech Center. See the class list below for more details.
Please note: there will be a $7.00 processing fee for each class, that is not included in the tuition.
For more information or to enroll email us or call: 616-738-8935
Basic Machine Shop
Dates: TBD
Schedule: TBD
Cost: $1,533 (Tuition $1,400 + Textbook $133)
Format: Traditional/Lab
Location: Careerline Tech Center
Acquire essential hands-on experience in the proper operation of tool room equipment found in many manufacturing environments, such as milling machines, lathes, and drill presses. Students will also learn about precision measurement equipment, blueprint reading, shop mathematics, properties of metals and many formulas and setups that can be used on the job. Course limited to 10 students. Offers articulated college credit.
Call for more information or to enroll: 616-738-8935
CNC G-Code Programming
Dates: TBD
Schedule: TBD
Cost: $898 (Tuition $898 + Textbook $133 - not required if purchased in Basic Machine Shop)
Format: Traditional/Lab
Location: Careerline Tech Center
Prerequisite: Basic Machine Shop or test out at M-TEC.
Computers in Manufacturing Assessment at M-TEC (no charge); if less than 80% student should take Computers in Manufacturing course ($95).
This course instructs students on how to program and produce parts on the CNC mill and lathe using G-code and conversational programming. Students will learn through both immersive virtual training software and hands-on experience with Hass Mazak Milltronics machining centers. Students completing this program will qualify for entry-level CNC positions. If a student has prior experience in basic machining and instructor approval, they may opt out of the basic machining. Class limited to 10 students. Offers articulated college credit
Call for more information or to enroll: 616-738-8935
Implicit Bias for the Healthcare Profession
Format: Traditional
Dates: 8/16/2023
Schedule: Wednesday, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Dates: 11/9/2023
Schedule: Thursday, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Cost: $115 (includes the $7.00 charge for SCECHs)
Location: Thompson M-TEC Main Campus
The Michigan Public Health Code (Rule 338.7001(c)) effective June 1, 2022, requires all licensed and registered healthcare professionals to train on Implicit Bias as a condition for initial licensure/registration and renewals.
Implicit (subconscious) bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions and decisions in an unconscious manner.
Interactive class topics will include:
- Define the concept of implicit bias
- Reflect on personal and professional biases
- Understand the impact implicit biases present in healthcare
- Define strategies to mitigate the negative impact of implicit bias
This training provides a certificate from Thompson M-TEC to validate participation.
Qualifies for up to 4-hours of State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs).
Mastercam Fundamentals
Dates: TBD
Schedule: TBD
Cost: $907 (Tuition $795 + Textbook $112)
Format: Traditional/Lab
Location: Careerline Tech Center
Prerequisite: Computers in Manufacturing Assessment at M-TEC (no charge); if less than 80% student should take Computers in Manufacturing course ($95)
Expand your CNC programming efficiency and capability with Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM). Mastercam software will be used for instruction on CAD geometry creation and toolpathing. Basic mill toolpaths including contouring, drilling, pocketing, and engraving will be taught. Learn to create geometry, toolpaths, and verify a part using Mastercam software.
Call for more information or to enroll: 616-738-8935
FANUC Handling-Pro CERT
Dates: TBD
Schedule: TBD
Cost: $1,262 (Tuition $1,000 + Textbook $262)
Format: Traditional/Lab
Location: Careerline Tech Center
Prerequisite: Computers in Manufacturing Assessment at M-TEC (no charge); if less than 80% student should take Computers in Manufacturing course ($95)
In this course, students will learn the tasks needed to set up and program a FANUC robot with Handling Tool Software Package. Students will gain hands-on experience using an LRMate 200IC robot as well as ROBOGUIDE simulation software. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: power up and jog the robot; recover from common program and robot faults; execute production operations; create, modify, and execute a material handling program; create and execute MACROs; monitor, force, and simulate input and output signals; backup and restore individual programs and files.
Call for more information or to enroll: 616-738-8935
MIG/GMAW Welding
Dates: TBD
Schedule: TBD
Cost: $790 (Tuition $675 + Textbook $115)
Format: Traditional
Location: Careerline Tech Center
Prerequisite: Basic welding experience
MIG/GMAW welding is a self-paced project-based 28-hour course that emphasizes personal instruction while students work with a variety of welding applications. MIG/GMAW welding will include gas metal arc welding, troubleshooting and minor repair to MIG welder, basic principles pertaining to the MIG welding process; Butt, Lap and Tee welds in the flat position on various metal thicknesses, and introduction and limited practice on aluminum MIG.
Call for more information or to enroll: 616-738-8935
TIG/TGAW Welding
Dates: TBD
Schedule: TBD
Cost: $790 (Tuition $675 + Textbook $115)
Format: Traditional (Instructor-led)
Location: Careerline Tech Center
Prerequisite: Basic welding experience
TIG/GTAW welding will include basic principles pertaining to the TIG welding process, introduction to and practice on three alloys including aluminum, stainless steel, and cold rolled steel. Course content is individualized to the student’s need for experience on TIG welding for professional and/or personal use.
Students should come prepared to weld the first night of class appropriately dressed in leather boots, pants (preferably cotton), and safety glasses.
Call for more information or to enroll: 616-738-8935
Welding I
Dates: TBD
Schedule: TBD
Cost: $600 (Tuition $485 + $115)
Format: Traditional
Location: Careerline Tech Center
Welding I is a 28-hour course that offers hands-on training in gas, arc, and oxyacetylene cutting welding processes.
Call for more information or to enroll: 616-738-8935